
Geschichte kompetent bilingual - Skills/Methoden

Geschichte kompetent bilingual - Skills/Methoden

National Socialism

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British Cartoon Archive
Use the search function at this website to find out more about a certain topic. For example, type in “The Third Reich“ and you will receive a selection of cartoons about Nazi Germany. Try it with all the topics you’d like to learn more about.
Quelle: British Cartoon Archive, University of Kent
Datum: 2009
Ort: Kent, Großbritannien

World War II

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Imperial War Museum
If you’re looking for more graphics, documents or other information, the Imperial War Museum has many historical examples on their website.
Quelle: Imperial War Museum
Datum: 2009
Ort: London, Großbritannien

IWM Collections Search
You can find other posters about the theme “Careless talk” here:
Quelle: Imperial War Museum
Datum: 2009
Ort: London, Großbritannien

Postwar Germany

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Text der Rede von US-Präsident John F. Kennedy
Other interesting photos and documents about the speech are available on the city of Berlin’s website.
Quelle: BerlinOnline Stadtportal GmbH & Co. KG
Datum: 2009
Ort: Berlin

Mitschnitt der Berlin-Rede Kennedys
You can listen to the complete speech made by John F. Kennedy in 1962 in West Berlin here.
Quelle: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
Datum: 2009
Ort: Boston, USA

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Rede von Barack Obama in Berlin 2008
You’re interested in Barack Obama’s 2008 speech in Berlin and want to evaluate it using your knowledge about political speeches? The original script and video are on this website.
Quelle: BerlinOnline Stadtportal GmbH & Co. KG
Datum: 2009
Ort: Berlin