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Birthday blog: Traditions from around the world

Hi, I’m Gabriela!

In Mexico, the best thing at birthday parties is the Piñata. We sometimes buy them in shops, but we make our own Piñatas too: We put sweets into a balloon, blow it up and then decorate it. Piñatas can look like animals, balls or comic characters! When it’s party time, we put the Piñata on a tree and the birthday boy or girl tries to hit it with a stick to get the sweets in it! At the same time, the other children sing a song! In Spain and the USA children sometimes celebrate their birthdays with Piñatas too.

Hello, my name is Edvin.

At Danish birthday parties, the Danish flag is very important. Some families put a flag outside, so everyone can see that it’s someone’s birthday in this house! Other families put flags on the table or on the birthday cake. In the morning they go into the birthday boy’s or girl’s bedroom and sing a Danish birthday song. They often put the birthday presents around the child’s bed, so he or she can unwrap them right away.

Autorin: Regina Kleinhenz, Stuttgart
Bildquellen: (1) (flippo), New York, NY; (2) iStockphoto (Steve Debenport), Calgary, Alberta; (3) iStockphoto (IS_ImageSource), Calgary, Alberta
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