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Workbook - Hördateien zum Download

Workbook - Hördateien Unit 1-6 zum Download
mp3-Dateien für Units 1 bis 6 (application/zip 13.8 MB)

Workbook - Hördateien zum Anhören

  • Workbook - Hördateien: Unit 1

Listen and tick.


Listen and complete the words.


  • Workbook - Hördateien: Unit 2

Listen to Dave and Luke. Tick the things in Dave’s bag.


Find the days of the week.


Listen. What’s Olivia’s favourite school day?


Listen to the Thomas Tallis school radio and tick the right box.


  • Workbook - Hördateien: Unit 3

Right or wrong?


Listen to the dialogue and look at the picture.


Listen and tick the right answers.


Listen and draw the times.


  • Workbook - Hördateien: Unit 4

Olivia’s message for Holly


Listen and complete Olivia’s shopping list.


  • Workbook - Hördateien: Unit 5

Listen and write the right places.


Listen to Sarah’s Saturday.


Listen. Which sound is it? Tick the right box.


Listen, read and circle in two different colours.


  • Workbook - Hördateien: Unit 6

Right or wrong? Listen and tick the right box.


Hannah’s postcard


What did Mrs Turner say? Cross out the wrong words.